Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance dan Pengungkapan Coporate Social Responsibility terhadap Return Saham

  • Ramadhian Dwi Putra Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Mayar Afriyenti Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Stock Return, Managerial Ownership, Institusional Ownership, Proportion of Independen Commisioners, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure


Stock return is profits obtained by investors after investing. This research aims to test and analyze the effect of managerial ownership, institutional ownership, proportion of independent commissioners, and corporate social responsibility disclosure. The population in this study was the Property Company which was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2016-2018, which amounted to 138 companies and the sample used amounted to 51 companies. The sampling technique used in the study was the purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression using SPSS 25 software. The results show that the institutional ownership affect the stock return. While managerial ownership, proportion of independent commissioners and corporate social responsibility disclosure have no effect on stock return.
